What are the side effects of dieting?
A survey last year found that adults will try 126 different diets during their lifetime, with an average of 2-3 a year. Often a fad diet, like Atkins, fasting and keto diets (low carb), meal replacements and juice cleanses. Have you tried one of these fad diets? They're called ‘fad’ diets because they promise fast weight loss with a significant reduction in energy intake that is not sustainable long-term. Yo-yo dieting and crash diets that result in weight cycling (losing and regaining the same weight)is actually harmful to our health long-term, making fad diets both dangerous as well as demoralising. How do you know if your diet is a fad diet? Fad diets contain restrictive rules around eating. Ask yourself this: - Is a food group restricted, for instance carbohydrates? - Are there 'cheat' days, or 'cheat' foods? - Are there rules to break? - Are you counting calories or points? - Can you 'fail'? If you said yes t...